Wild boar stew with carrots and Jerusalem artichoke mash with Brugge d'Or cheese | Bruges cheese
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Wild boar stew with carrots and Jerusalem artichoke mash with Brugge d'Or cheese

4 pers.
90 min


  • 250 g Jerusalem artichokes

  • 1 large root parsley

  • 200 g Brugge d'Or cheese, grated

  • Salt and pepper



  • 2 purple carrots 1 large onion

  • 1 parsnip

  • 1 black winter radish

  • 10 white cabbage leaves



  • 750 g wild boar

  • 2 onions butter

  • Salt and pepper

  • 60 g tomato purée

  • 1 tsp vinegar

  • 1/8 l meat stock

  • 1/8 l red wine


  • Cut the meat into cubes and sauté in butter with the onion, salt and pepper.

  • Add the wine, the stock, the tomato purée and the vinegar and let simmer for an hour on low heat until the meat is tender. Regularly stir.



  • Peel the carrots and slice finely lengthwise with a potato peeler.

  • Coarsely chop the onion.

  • Slice the white cabbage leaves into strips.

  • Boil all these vegetables in salted water until half done.



  • Peel the Jerusalem artichokes and the root parsley, chop and boil until tender in boiling water.

  • Then mix the Jerusalem artichokes and root parsley until you obtain a smooth mash, spoon through the cheese and the herbs on low heat until the cheese has melted and is mixed with the root parsley and the Jerusalem artichokes.

Serve the meat, the vegetables and the mash and garnish with chopped parsley.