Potato gratin with Brugge Broodje Classic | Bruges cheese
Choosing cheese, piece of cake

Potato gratin with Brugge Broodje Classic

4 pers.
75 min

125g Brugge butter

750g potatoes (bintje)

2 large red onions

300g Brugge broodje grated

Pepper salt nutmeg

150g smoked bacon strips

1 chilli pepper finely chopped

Briefly fry the bacon with the chilli pepper.

Thinly slice the potatoes and onions.

Butter the oven dish and then fill with layers of potato, onion, bacon, cheese and herbs. Repeat. End with the cheese and some knobs of butter.

Bake for 45 minutes in a pre-heated oven at 200°C until you obtain a nice brown crust.